Tuesday, April 27, 2010

purple and yellow

I haven't got any fancy flowers to show you, nor a fancy camera to wow you, just some plain-Jane flowers starting to come to life in my yard. Nothing fancier than a purple periwinkle plodding along the ground and a row of daffodils faces to the sun. You might wonder what the fuss is about. It's a most sedate sort of showing. But, arresting to those of us in more northerly climes.


marja-leena said...

All the more reason to be excited even by this lovely show, when you do live in such a northerly clime! Nice that periwinkle is hardy enough there. It's like a weed in my garden. My spring flowering bulbs are finishing off now, the tulips getting shattered by some rainstorms lately.

Merche Pallarés said...

Beautiful! I haven't seen daffodils in such a long time... Hugs, M.

northshorewoman said...

ML and MP, enjoy the flowers of your sunny climes!