Wednesday, May 11, 2011

a walk on Mother's Day

Question: What do you suppose this is? Can you guess? I walk by it each Sunday when I pick up Tassu on my way down to walk over the overpass and along the shore of Lake Superior.
I have been out for my morning walks, although I have been leaving a bit later than usual because I have been staying up too late working. I pass quite a few anglers on the shore of McVicar's Creek these days trying to catch rainbow trout. Although the creek is long, they seem to bunch up in the same place, where the rapids are. Yesterday I passed the police who had driven their cruiser up the path to stop and question two Anishnawbe folks, Victor and his new friend, who were standing by the creek. The cops said, Morning, Ma'am, to me; I was not stopped for being on the path. I don't know how many times Victor gets questioned by the cops as this is not the first time I've seen them stop him. I will tell you my story about Victor later.

On Mother's Day, before I went over to have cake and coffee with my Mother and bring her the hanging basket I had bought her, I picked up Tassu and walked down to the lakeshore, where the water was still as glass. There wasn't a breath of wind to be found anywhere. You could see the morning sky reflected in the waters of Lake Superior.

My Mother had made a lovely whipped cream cake, which we, my Mother, my sister, Katja, and I, ate with yogurt ice cream. Later, I made a coffee crunch cake and brought it over to some friends who had invited my husband and me over for a visit. They had bought cake with whipped cream to share with us. Later on Mother's Day, my son brought over a New York style cheesecake that he had baked, with blueberry topping. At this point, all caked out, I said I think I'll eat a slice of that cheesecake tomorrow.
I saw the mink running along the rocks, close to the water's edge, and earlier I saw a groundhog pop up its head out of the rocks, but I have noticed that there are less ducks around because of the ongoing construction at the marina.
Answer: melted plastic in the window (see it on the right) of someone's old trailer that sits in a lot I cut through on my way down to the lake. Some Finlander could make a good sauna out of this old unused trailer (scroll down for instructions to get you started!)

Tomorrow I will tell you about my travelling sauna.


Merche Pallarés said...

How did you get through all those delicious cakes??? They sound absolutely scrumptious. Hugs, M.

northshorewoman said...

I have to say I felt stuffed!

tasteofbeirut said...

I would love it if you would post your mother's recipe for whipped cream cake! Sounds wonderful!

northshorewoman said...

OK. I will post it soon.