Friday, October 17, 2008

The Bluffs, part 3

After walking along the south ridge of the Bluffs, you end up looking north, over the Hydro corridor. Because it is a clearing for hydro lines, all the trees have been clearcut. So the north side of the Bluffs looks unlike the south side, which I showed you earlier.

A trail follows along the Hydro corridor to Centennial Park. You can see a family with a baby stroller walking on the path. There are a few paths that lead down from the Bluffs; one path descends on a slow arching curve down the back of the Bluffs, but another goes almost straight down causing you to grab onto slim poplars so you don't slide down. The paths all lead to this trail going to Centennial Park. From there, you can get on the trails that will take you to the Cascades, which I have already told you about.

However, my husband and I had gone for a quick hike before Thanksgiving dinner at my mom's, so we didn't have time to hike to Centennial Park or beyond, instead

we took one of the paths

leading to

the bottom of The Bluffs

These cliffs are used for rock climbing and ice-climbing in the winter.

My husband scampered up the rock face somehow, don't ask me how. I told him, "I'll meet you up at the top"....


Anonymous said...

I love the rock photos! Such a lovely place for walks and climbs, especially with the fall colours.

northshorewoman said...

one need not go far, nor need a lot of time, to find the most amazing places to hike, to admire, to commune with rocks and trees and water. Within our city there are numerous gems. I read the other day that in Jenin, a 1 square kilometre refugee camp in the West Bank, live 16,000 people. Somehow the vast "empty" (i.e. not residential or industrial) spaces I walk seem even larger after learning that.