No, just nature, but they are stunning in how much they do look like some people of the past had worked on them. The rock that looks like it has a large red ochre pictograph on it really caught my eye because it looked so much like an ancient painting! But it's not. It's simply a large stone lying on the ground amongst or heaped up against many other rocks. All of these rocks are just tumbled together. There are many, many more amazing rocks on that beach in Grand Marais. It is an incredulous place.
I wonder, too, if that's how writing on stone began? That ancient people saw the designs / pictures that rocks made and read them to mean that the rocks were telling them something. Telling them a story. And they then wanted to write something back. A communication between spirits. This would mean that stone was seen as having spirit; as having the capacity to speak. This has some truth, I believe, in the Finnish tradition. Even the word 'kirja' [book] and 'kirjain' [alphabet letter] share with 'kirjava' which is linked to colourful, interesting to the eye patterns in nature. On rock. In the sky.
Wow, are those pictographs and a petroglyph on some of those rocks?
No, just nature, but they are stunning in how much they do look like some people of the past had worked on them. The rock that looks like it has a large red ochre pictograph on it really caught my eye because it looked so much like an ancient painting! But it's not. It's simply a large stone lying on the ground amongst or heaped up against many other rocks. All of these rocks are just tumbled together. There are many, many more amazing rocks on that beach in Grand Marais. It is an incredulous place.
I wonder, too, if that's how writing on stone began? That ancient people saw the designs / pictures that rocks made and read them to mean that the rocks were telling them something. Telling them a story. And they then wanted to write something back. A communication between spirits. This would mean that stone was seen as having spirit; as having the capacity to speak. This has some truth, I believe, in the Finnish tradition. Even the word 'kirja' [book] and 'kirjain' [alphabet letter] share with 'kirjava' which is linked to colourful, interesting to the eye patterns in nature. On rock. In the sky.
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