Wednesday, January 21, 2009

for Mohammed and Bilal

Please watch this report by Jonathan Miller explaining the war crimes that happened at the UN school in Beit Lahiya where people were sheltering.

Cringe in horror at Tzipi Livni's last words. She is evil. Her evil has a history, it was nurtured by her father, who, like the fathers of Ehud Olmert and Rahm Emmanuel (Obama's chief of staff--who I already told you about), were the original terrorists of Palestine. That is, they were Irgun terrorists, an extremist Zionist cabal whose ringleader was Menachem Begin (who became a future Prime Minister '77-83 of the stolen land). The Irgun slaughtered, maimed, terrorized and forcefully expelled Palestinians out of Palestine causing the Nakba and setting the seeds for the Gaza massacre today. That Israel was created through blood and terrrorism and that these original violent extremists became the government of Israel is documented history.

UNRWA school bombing aftermath.

The terrorizing of the Palestinian people is haunting; those who sought shelter from the UN were ruthlessly attacked. The images of the dead children of Gaza are haunting. I have been busy helping to plan a vigil for the dead children of the Gaza massacre. The Vigil will be this Saturday at 2:30 pm at Hillcrest Park. With Vanessa and Leila, I have been collecting the names, ages, and home places of the Palestinian children of Gaza killed by the Israeli army.

We will ask each person present to say a child's name aloud.

UNRWA school bombing aftermath

In my archiving of death, I came across the names of the 2 boys, brothers, who were killed at Beit Lahia UNRWA school. I found their names on the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights site.

Mohammed Hamad Shihda al-Ashqar, 4

Bilal Hamad Shihda al-Ashqar, 5

The mother of the two dead children, 24-year-old Nojoud Sha'ban al-Ashqar, had a hand and leg severed.

Their 19 yr old cousin had both his legs blown off. [as Johnathan Miller reports]

UNRWA school bombing aftermath

In my archiving of death, I came across these photos of the aftermath of the UNRWA school bombing on the Palestine Chronicle.

1 comment:

Merche Pallarés said...

I saw the video, very moving. When I hear what that Livni says, I'm ashamed to be a woman. Hugs, M.